Salon & Spa Professional Association EducationA Minnesota Board of Cosmetology Approved ProviderSSPA offers a range of class formats tailored to your preferences, including in-person, virtual live, and online self-paced options.
Our premier CORE course focuses on providing licensees with current information with an emphasis on licensees' health and safety. In-person, Virtual, and Online Self-paced.
Choose from our diverse range of professional practice classes, all meticulously crafted by and/or taught by licensed professionals. In-person, Virtual, and Online Self-paced.
This Course equips aspiring educators for entry-level employment as a cosmetology instructor, offered online self-paced with instructor guidance. Find out more
Tailored for you and your staff, for pricing and details contact us at 952.925.9731.
In-person education contributes to a well-rounded educational experience that promotes a deeper understanding, social development, and academic success. Here are some FAQ about license renewal REGISTRATION FOR All classes are available through our calendar pageJoin and SAVE! $15 discount on in-person CORE: Health, Safety, Infection Control, Laws and Rules Class as well as discounts on other classes, and as a member you can SAVE on education, events, and more all year! Others may offer classes for less or more! Be aware of what you are getting for the price. SSPA's goal is for you to learn and receive your continuing education credits in an informative, interactive, and challenging. Please see our calendar of events for a complete list of dates and locations. |